Examples of Successful Longform Content

black stratus traffic

4. Vista College

Vista College has a comprehensive content marketing strategy with us, and longform has played a significant role in its success.

This blog post with careers for visual thinkers, for example, receives several hundred organic visitors per month.

As a result of their strategy, which involves five longform pieces per month, their organic traffic has nearly doubled in a year.

vista college traffic

5. Baker Lime

Although content of any length can be useful to visitors, Baker Lime is a great example of how longform content outperforms brief blog posts and articles.

This article about limestone for lawns is one of their most successful pieces, and at over 2000 words long, it includes virtually everything a potential customer might want to know about applying lime to lawns.

So how did it perform? For a simple answer, just take a look at the initial spike in traffic it caused, as compared to a spike from standard SEO copy.

baker lime traffic

As you can see, the page caught a lot of attention — and their traffic continued to increase as a result. In fact, since they’ve started adding longform content, Baker Lime’s year-over-year traffic has increased more than 100%.

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